Accessibility Hacks. Stairs.

Accessibility Hacks. Stairs.

First off, let’s get one thing straight. Stairs are not accessible. The best way to make stairs accessible would be to not have any stairs at all. Eliminating stairs from the exterior of your house up to your front entry is more easily achievable than eliminating...
Lighting Plan for the Cottage

Lighting Plan for the Cottage

I found myself in a lighting showroom today by chance… Or maybe, I subconsciously planned my route around the city to end up going right by it? Either way, it’s time to turn my thoughts toward the electrical plan for our cottage. Since electrical installation begins...
The Joys of Underfloor Heating. Part 2.

The Joys of Underfloor Heating. Part 2.

Continued from Part 1…. Carpets Warm carpets feel great underfoot and they also help maintain a healthy home by keeping humidity levels low. Underfloor heating also reduces unwanted air movement, lowering the amount of particles floating about in the air,...