How to Improve the Accessibility of Your Laundry Room
We've just moved into our new house and the laundry room sucks. Doing laundry is tiresome enough without having a badly designed area to deal with as well. If your laundry room could use some improvements to make it easier and more pleasurable to use then you’re going...
Accessibility Hacks: Ramps. Part 2.
Continued from Part 1 Ramp Shape In order to fit in with your landscaping they can be straight or have an L-turn, U-turn or switchbacks. Long straight ramps are not attractive and don’t fit in well with the natural landscape.Organic flowing forms and curves are what...
Accessibility Hacks: Ramps. Part 1
Take a look at these 2 pictures below and tell me which one would you want? Or By the way, ramps are not just for wheelchairs. They are useful to everybody. In fact, I just walked up a ramp the other day rather...
Top Features of an Accessible Fridge
It’s an appliance jungle out there and choosing a fridge these days is challenging. Are you overwhelmed by the enormous selection? Especially when you throw in the need for accessibility. Zero in on the features that are listed below and narrow down your fridge...
Accessibility Hacks. A Main Floor Bathroom
When planning to build or renovate a house, it is important to think about the future. A friend of mine once told me that in all aspects of life, one should “plan for the worst and expect the best”. I thought those were very wise words and they appealed to both the...
8 Great Ways to Hide Your Electrical Sockets
Electrical sockets are an absolute necessity in your home, but are not the most attractive things around. If you find them an eyesore there are ways of disguising them and lessening their visual impact. Check out the solutions below to minimize their ugly-factor in...
Accessibility Hacks: The Bathroom Vanity
Have you ever watched your young grandchildren try to wash their hands or brush their teeth at the bathroom sink? It can be tricky for them to reach everything. Now just imagine that’s you sitting there in front of the sink. How do you think you would manage? Make you...
How to use Mirrors Creatively in Your Home
Humans have been using mirrors for 8,000 years in one form or another. The material back then varied over the ages from ground and polished obsidian (volcanic glass), to highly polished metals like copper and bronze. The glass mirrors used today have been around since...
The Quest for the Perfect Closet
Closets can become a heaving unorganized mess in no-time flat. In fact, if things get out of control in your closets it could make life really difficult reaching for things at the back or teetering above your head. In an accessible home, even the storage areas need...
Why Accessible Design Should be the New Normal
Canada is facing an unprecedented demographic shift over the next 50 years. For the first time in history, 1 in every 6 Canadians is aged 65 and over. In 2020, about half of the population will be over 60 years of age. That's almost 19 million people! By 2036, the...