Accessibility Hacks. An Effortless Front Entrance

Accessibility Hacks. An Effortless Front Entrance

Is it easy for you and your friends to enter your home? Are you constantly battling the elements and cursing the tripping hazards? How do you think it would feel to have an accessible front entrance? Well, perhaps a little like this…… It’s a hot sunny day. You’ve just...
Accessibility Hacks. A Main Floor Bedroom

Accessibility Hacks. A Main Floor Bedroom

Would it be possible for you to live only on the main floor of your home? Would you have everything you need just on that one level? Even a comfortable bedroom? If you want to live in your current home forever there are a few necessities as far as room requirements...
The Beauty of Visitability

The Beauty of Visitability

Have you ever heard of the concept of visitability? It was an idea conceived in the US in the late 80’s to promote the designing and building of houses with basic accessibility throughout the main floor. The visitable home is characterized by three key features: At...